Category: Computer Hardware & Software -> Software
Country: All countries
 Bulk Messaging Program is helpful to send SMS from computer at global mobile network using USB modem, Android, GSM or Windows mobile phones. Text SMS Application doesn’t require any internet gateway to deliver alert text from PC to any worldwide mobile phone. Professional Bulk SMS Application supports Unicode character to send messages in different languages. PC to Mobile SMS Marketing Program helps to promote your business, brands, service, products over worldwide location via sending instant[...] Details...   Corporate Barcode Software is developed for users to design product labels for multiple business industries using linear and 2D text font methodology. This application is developed with interactive graphical user interface that help users to design barcode in various styles as per product needs. Barcode Generator tool lets users to design bar code labels in multiple card shapes or sizes by using distinct image drawing tools such as text, pencil, color, rectangle, oval, square, ellipse etc. After[...] Details...   Inventory Control Retail Barcode Software facilitates option for users to generate high quality price labels for inventory control and retail industries in computerized manner. Program designs product labels in Barcode settings and barcode designing view modes. Retail barcode maker application lets users to save all generated barcode images in PC using various image file formats such as gif, jpeg, png, bitmap etc and prints barcodes with advance printing settings methods. Users can easily generate[...] Details...   Digital Pictures Recovery Software lets users to retrieve all missing photos from flash removable media drives. Program supports all memory cards, Pen drives, Hard disk drives and mobile phones to recover lost photos in safe manner. Photo restoration application supports all major image file formats (gif, jpeg etc) and brands of removable storage drives while recovering your photos in major data loss conditions. This utility is ca to retrieve all your deleted photos from Pen drives even if “Drive[...] Details...   Pen Drive Data Recovery Software is developed for users to regain all their missing data from USB drives in major data loss conditions. These situations may be:
1-Accidentally deleted data files and folders
2-Virus/worm infected USB drive
3- Data lost during formatted/reformatted activity
4-Logically corrupted USB drives
5-Power failure
6-Sudden system shut down etc.
Data recovery tool for Pen drives support all major file formats such as jpeg, bmp, gif, wav, mp3, mpeg, avi, asf, mp1 etc while[...] Details...  Thavertech is here to help customers who wants to have an online web portal for the business as well as presency over the internet to become reachable easily to the customers. We create your virtual designs with latest technology. Our motive is to provide best solutions to our customers. We are having most relevant options for clients to provide the various advantages of latest technology. Take a step towards us and get a reliable solution with a strong knowledge of technology. Thavertech has been[...] Details...  Websoft Site Analyzer to program do samodzielnego, automatycznego tworzenia baz danych firm.
Instalacja i konfiguracja programu GRATIS!
Program jest webową aplikacją służącą do analizowania kodu strony PKT.pl (polskie książki telefoniczne), PF.pl (panorama firm), ZUMI.pl, FIRMY.net, EUROPAGES.pl, BAZA-FIRM.COM.PL - celem działania jest pobranie wyników wyszukiwania z bazy danych portalu na wybrane słowo kluczowe. Skrypt do działania wymaga serwera z obsługą[...] Details...  Oferujemy usługę tworzenia baz danych firm z Unii Europejskiej - określasz jedynie podstawowe kryteria, np.:
- jaka branża Cię interesuje (określasz np. słowa kluczowe)
- z jakiego miasta (nawet ulicy!), województwa mają pochodzić firmy
W zależności od tego, jakie kryteria nam podasz stworzymy na Twoje zamówienie bazę danych posiadającą nawet kilkaset tysięcy rekordów (w zależności od branży), z dokładnymi danymi teleadresowymi firm.
BAZY TWORZYMY I DOSTARCZAMY BARDZO[...] Details...  Websoft Mailer to program do masowego wysyłania wiadomości e-mail.
Instalacja i konfiguracja GRATIS!
Wpisujesz temat maila, treść wiadomości, wybierasz grupę adresatów i... gotowe! Musisz podać tylko dane konta pocztowego, z którego ma być rozesłany mailing! Możesz nawet założyć bezpłatne konto pocztowe - skrypt był testowany na większości serwerów pocztowych.
Aplikacja symuluje ręcznie wysyłanie maili! Działa tak, jak użytkownik,[...] Details...  Revive Adserver Mod provides various mobile advertising plugins for Revive Adserver to run your mobile advertising campaign effectively with enhanced features. There are plugins for Mobile Targeting, Mobile Ads SDK for iPhone/Android Apps, In Game Ads and IAB ad format for mobile. Browse our website for mobile ads plugin to perform better mobile advertising.[...] Details...